Film Photography Resources
Recommended Film Photography Book - Shooting Film by Ben Hawkins & Liza Kanaeva-Hunsicker. Please support my efforts by using this link to order. It doesn’t cost you anything additional and makes me eligible for a small commission.
Aperture | ISO | Shutter Speed - shown on one simple diagram.
Light Meter Apps - iOS - Exponometer. Android - Lightmeter.
8 Things To Consider When Buying a Film Camera - in the market for a film camera?
Buy Films - 30+ varieties of films, no need to buy a 5-pack or a 3-pack, try out different films.
Buy Cameras With a 30-day Warranty - Peace of Mind.
Develop Films - 35mm, 120, and Large Format. Color & BW.
Announcements and service updates follow @artbypino.
World Heritage Photography - follow @worldheritagephotographer.