Lomography Store, McAllen, Texas
In August of 2021, we acquired the dealership to sell all Lomography products as an authorized dealer or stockist. If you go to the Lomography website and do a search for a store in McAllen, Texas, we are listed. We will gradually be ramping up the products we carry in stock. Initially, we will be carrying the following films:
Lomography Color Negative 100 ISO 35mm and 120 Medium Format
Lomography Color Negative 400 ISO 35mm and 120 Medium Format
Lomography LomoChrome Metropolis 100-400 ISO 35mm and 120 Medium Format
Lomography Color Negative 800 ISO 35mm and 120 Medium Format
As a dealer, we can only publish MSRP – Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price on our website. In order to offer any discounts, we would need for you to contact us via email or DM or Text, or on the phone. We can be reached at (956) 492-7140 – ALWAYS text us for a call back so as to help us minimize spam callers. We are available Mon-Sat, 11-7p, CT.
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