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Regular price $469.00 USD
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JOBO SilverBase 4044T: Compact Film Processor for Effortless Black & White Film Development

Bring the magic of black-and-white film development into your home with the JOBO SilverBase 4044T! This compact rotary film processor offers a user-friendly and economical solution for beginners and hobbyists to achieve professional-quality results. This kit includes a 1520 tank, a 1504 magnet, and a single reel. The tank can take two reels, and the second reel is available.

Unleash the Potential of Black & White Film:

  • Simple Operation: The SilverBase 4044T boasts a straightforward design with a single power cord. The motorized base gently rotates your film tank, ensuring consistent agitation for even development.
  • Superior Results: Rotary processing with the SilverBase 4044T promotes consistent chemical distribution and avoids bromide streaks, producing exceptional image quality.
  • Reduced Chemistry Usage: The efficient agitation process allows you to use less developing chemistry than traditional inversion methods.
  • Ideal for Black & White Film: Specifically designed for black and white film development, the SilverBase 4044T delivers optimal results for your monochrome masterpieces.
  • Compact & Space-Saving: This processor's small footprint makes it perfect for home darkrooms or limited workspaces.

The JOBO SilverBase 4044T is perfect for:

  • New Black & White Film Enthusiasts: This user-friendly system is an excellent entry point for those wanting to explore the rewarding world of black and white film development.
  • Photographers Seeking Consistent Results: The automated rotation ensures consistent development, minimizing the risk of unevenness or development errors.
  • Those with Limited Space: The compact design makes it ideal for smaller darkrooms or photographers who value a space-saving solution.

Start creating stunning black-and-white photographs with the JOBO SilverBase 4044T. Order yours today!

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